My Favorite SSB DX Qso

PD2BA Ben: 
We have worked today : 24-02-2023 on 14.220Mhz -LP- SSB operation the old fashion way -
with FT4YM - David also a good one for the Best DX 2023 List. from Antarctica.
Best DX 2023 list : FT8WW - FT4YM


For now the Best SSB DX for me for 2023 :
and New one (Dxcc`s = 333 log)
FT8WW - Crozet Is.  PD2BA Ben :Tnx for Cfm LoTW !
For 2023 SSB - Best DX on
I have worked with Thierry- FT8WW 
with my Hexbeam about 14m.above.ground
in SSB operation (the old fashion way).

Best SSB DX 2022 -List :VK9WX - VK0WN
VK9WX - Willis Island

PD2BA Ben: Confirmed allready on LoTW  !
Thanks, Sands - for Confirmation - 2022-12-01 -14.245 Mhz -SSB -08:02utc
The Australian Bureau of Meteorology has a weather monitoring station on Willis Island. 
The station was established in 1921, it serves as an early cyclone warning service 
for the state of Queensland.
The meteorological station is staffed by crew of 4 that rotate every 6 months. 
There are 2 Observers (including myself), 1 Officer In Charge (OIC/Observer) and 1 Technician.
I have been on the Island since October 2022 and will be here until the end of April 2023.
My operating position on Willis Island is a Yaesu FT-891 transceiver
with a DX Commander Classic multiband vertical antenna.
I have an SDRplay receiver that I am yet to setup.
I am hoping to make a number of contacts during my time here.
We look forward to having a QSO with you on the air!

73’s & Best Regards,
Sands (VK9WX)

VK0WN - Warren                                    

Best SSB DX For 2022 :

again a very nice SSB Qso with - Casey Station 
but now with :Warren VK0WN   
(home call VK7WN)  -  Note from : Warren .
(PD2BA: tnx for CFM on log) 

Working at Casey over winter 2022 as comms tech.
Currently using an inverted vee, 20m band, 100W.
Looking forward to making contact with you.
Warren VKØWN


VK0PD - Paul

Best SSB DX For 2021 : 

PD2BA - 20m.SSB with Paul - VK0PD - Casey station - Antarctica 
I also have received a email from Paul today (5-6-2021):


Hi Ben, It was great to make the contact.
First time to the Netherlands for me so it was exciting. 
I have a qsl manager in Spain, it is best is to get in touch with him. 
I don't have the facilities here to print qsl cards,
nor do we have any way to mail anything 
for another 6 months from my current QTH. 
His call is EB7DX and name is David. 
Hope to work you again sometime. Best 73, Paul VK0PD



Paul, VK2PAD is currently stationed at Casey Station, Antarctica
where he works as an instrument electrician
and trades supervisor. He mentions he runs an IC-7300 and/or IC-705 
with a 300W linear amplifier.Antennas are 3 x 10m telescoping fiberglass poles.
He has made some contacts on 20m so far and will construct further wire antennas later. 
Paul : also says that unfortunately there’s a 1Kw ionosonde 
transmitter about 200m away from his shack.